Text – Test

“Les Gommes: Becky Brown and Annette Cords at PS122,” by Axel Bishop, Two Coats of Paint

“Dream-Restart-Experience: Annette Cords and Becky Brown In Conversation,” Art Spiel

“Dwelling in Ambivalence: Pungent Dystopia at Freight+Volume,” NYC, by Ben Tripp, Whitehot Magazine, 2020

Artwork “Search” featured alongside book review “Tech, Please!” Bookforum, 2020

Image of the Day, Elephant Magazine, 2018

Daily Trumpet, Instagram Project by Jonathan Horowitz, 2018

“The System Is Down,” Catalogue accompanying exhibition, published by Freight+Volume Gallery, including an interview with Art Historian Cary Levine and poems by Kristina Martino

Featured Listing: The System Is Down, artcritical.com, 2018

“Cognition-Stroll” Publication; Annette Cords and Becky Brown; Essay by Tatiana Istomina

Excess Baggage: Interview with Chennie Huang, CH Reviews, 2017

Cognition-Stroll: Annette Cords and Becky Brown, by Jonathan Goodman, Arte Fuse, 2017

Becky Brown, Annette Cords, and Accidental Poetry, Two Coats of Paint, 2017

Portal – An Art Show at the Federal Hall National Memorial, by Karin Bravin, Site Specific

Becky Brown at Fink and Theel Contemporary

I am Trying Not to Skim

Gems Among the Ruins: Governors Island Art Fair by Ken Johnson, New York Times

Metaphysics of the Kitchen, by Tatiana Istomina

Overlapping Codes: Becky Brown and Annette Cords Studio Visit, by David Anaya Maya, The Bottom Line, The Drawing Center

Art, a Balm After the Storm; Come Together: Surviving Sandy by Roberta Smith, New York Times

Becky Brown by Paola Cabal for The Transforming State (Delhi, India)

Influx of Information by Chennie Huang

Becky Brown by Emily Schlemowitz for Hunter College MFA Thesis

Everything Looks Distorted Already: Joan Linder Interviewed by Becky Brown; Cornelia Magazine

Matt Bollinger by Becky Brown, Art in America

Karl Wirsum by Becky Brown, Art in America

The Memphis Group by Becky Brown, Art in America

Mike Cloud by Becky Brown, Art in America

A Critics’ Roundtable on “The Forever Now” at MoMA, with Carrie Moyer, Raphael Rubinstein, Jason Stopa and Dennis Kardon, artcritical.com

Michael Bauer by Becky Brown, Art in America

Camille Henrot by Becky Brown, The Brooklyn Rail

Not on the High Line: Scenes from Thomas Hirschhorn’s Gramsci Monument; artcritical.com

Dieter Roth by Becky Brown, The Brooklyn Rail

Emily Noelle Lambert by Becky Brown, The Brooklyn Rail

Klara Liden by Becky Brown, The Brooklyn Rail

Mark Bradford by Becky Brown, The Brooklyn Rail

Your Gold Teeth II (group show) by Becky Brown, The Brooklyn Rail

Marie Sivak and Barbara Hatfield, by Becky Brown, The Brooklyn Rail

Chris Domenick and Anne Pearce, by Becky Brown, The Brooklyn Rail

Franz West by Becky Brown, artcritical.com